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At Autism Works, we try, where possible, to tailor our organisation to offer employees with an autism spectrum condition the opportunity to use their unique skills. Rather than our employees having to 'fit in' within a conventional working environment, at Autism Works, we look at where we can shape our working environment around your skills and needs, enabling your condition to become an asset rather than an impairment.

Our recruitment process is not like standard recruitment processes that you may have struggled with in the past. It is really important to us that you are comfortable and relaxed when talking about your skills and aspirations.We try to avoid asking open or abstract questions in our interviews, which are structured but informal, and we are more than happy if you would like to bring along a friend or advocate. 

Your initial contact with us is to complete our "Expression of Interest" form. We might not have any employment vacancies at the time you submit the form but it's important that we hear from you, so that we can keep you informed of vacancies when they arise.You are not going to be taken through the trauma of a typically competitive recruitment process!

We welcome interest in working with us from people with a diagnosis of ASC or have a diagnosis in progress. Prospective employees should complete the Autism Works Expression Of Interest form (please see right sidebar area for the link) and we will notify you as and when any employment opportunities arise.

To keep up-to-date with developments at Autism Works, you can subscribe to the Autism Works Facebook page, follow us on Twitter, or read our blogs page.

Careers available for prospective employees include:

Trainee Test Analyst

As a Trainee Test Analyst we will help you to gain the ISEB Foundation Certificate in Software Testing, through a combination of computer based training and individual assisted training. Working with our Test Team you will gain practical experience in Software Testing. After passing gaining your ISEB Certificate and carrying out a short period of practical work you will be offered a position as a Test Analyst. We all have different abilities and skills and we aim to tailor the training programme so that it meets your own personal needs.

Test Analyst

Your principal task is to create and execute tests, following methodologies, but not exclusively, such as the “V” and Waterfall models. Your role will primarily be focussed on regression and functional testing types. In addition, you will be responsible for planning, documenting and progressing test plans. You will have the opportunity to work with different clients and on different types of projects with different technologies. Every test analyst at Autism Works requires the ISEB Foundation Certificate in Software Testing qualification.